Jumat, 11 Juni 2010


This is our School Magazine. GESIT means "Gerbang informasi siswa terkini". Gesit is manage by the students who took Journalist Extracurricular.
We can gave some articles, pictures, poem, etc, that will publish in the GESIT.

the last edition of GESIT

Production of GESIT stopped for a few years, but on 2009, GESIT reproducible.
We hope next edition of GESIT better than before.

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Happy 59th anniversary JHS 1 Metro

Today, we celebrate our school's birthday in the school yard at 07.15 am.
We did "jalan sehat". The route is from our school, tax office, AMC hospital, and back to our school again.
At 08.10 am, we arrived at school. We took a rest about 10- 15 minutes. Then, we went to school yard again to saw cutting cone events. Before cutting cone events, we sang "Mars Pelajar" and "Mars SMPN 1". Then, Ms. Rosmala Dewi gave us some advice. After that, we prayed.
Finally, Ms. Nurliyati cut the cone. She gave the cone to the teachers and the vice of OSIS.
After that, we went to the field behind our school to do futsal championship. It was end at 12.15 pm. Then, we go home.
There's some photos :

gather before "jalan sehat"

Once again we wish Happy anniversary to our beloved school.
Hopefully, SMPN1 Metro more advanced, and more accomplished again :)

We love SMPN 1 Metro so much

Study Banding

some pictures when our teacher did Comparative Study (Study Banding):

There's some photos when our friends did Comparative Study in Singapore last February:


Every saturday, after study about 80 minutes, we're free from academic lesson.
we're do extracurricular activities.
There're many kinds of extracurricular in SMPN 1 Metro, such as:

-Marching Band

- Scout

- Religious Islamic

- Journalist

- English Club

- Youth Scientific Work

- Band

- Flag-raising group

Mars Pelajar ♫♪

Facilities in JHS 1 Metro

JHS 1 Metro has various facilities to support
teaching and learning activities, such as;

15 classrooms
make gif

4. Language
make gif

5. Computer

6. Staffroom

7. Administrartion room
8. School Health Service (UKS)

9. Concelling room

10. Libraries

11. Reading room
12. Mosque

13. Principle's room
14. OSIS 'room

15. Canteen

16. Greenhouse

17. Warehouse

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

our beloved teacher

Motto of our school

School's MISION

  1. To develop internationally standardized school curriculum
  2. To develop international learning models
  3. To increase international students’ achievement
  4. To empower human resources who have international qualification and competence
  5. To develop international education facilities
  6. To develop school management based on ICT
  7. To develop internationally standardized funding.
  8. To implement internationally standardized evaluation system

School's VISION

Prominent in quality, religious, based on science and technology,
competitive in the
global era

name of the principal

School Profiles

SMPN 1 Metro Telah Sertifikasi Sistem Managemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008

ISO adalah suatu Standar Internasional untuk system Managemen Mutu/Kualitas. Untuk diharapkannya hasil yang baik (standar). ISO 9001:2008 ini memiliki persyaratan-persyaratan dan rekomendasi untuk mendapatkan sertifikasinya.
Dalam menyongsong status SBI ( Sekolah Berstandar Internasional ), maka sekolah kita yang berstatus RSBI ( Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional ) melakukan proses Audit External yang dilakukan dalam rangka pelaksanaan ISO 9001:2008.
Dengan dibentuk audit internal untuk merumuskan dan memilih pendekatan managemen mutu yang paling mudah dan paling sesuai dengan lingkungan sekolah, hal ini memerlukan dukungan ketersediaan teknologi, kemampuan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki dan budaya kerja yang telah diterapkan oleh sekolah, pada tanggal 4 Maret 2010, sekolah kita didatangi oleh tim Auditor yang datang langsung dari NQA (National Quality Asurance) Indonesia yang berpusat di Jakarta, untuk melakukan audit external yang terakhir. Tidak ditemukan kesalahan fatal dalam pelaksanaan ISO ini meski ada beberapa kesalahan kecil yang masih dimaklumi karena mengingat waktu pelatihan yang minim. Dan akhirnya SMPN 1 Metro lulus dan mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2008.
Hal ini merupakan suatu prestasi bagi SMPN 1 Metro, karena untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi ini diperlukan kerja keras, kerja cerdas, kerja Ikhlas dan kerja sama yang baik dari seluruh warga sekolah.

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

About SMPN 1 Metro

SMP Negeri 1 is the oldest Junior High School in the Metro City built in 1951 by SK reception on June 10, 1954.

This school is an excellent school as well as the pride of the Metro community, even including one school that is seeded in Lampung Province.

Since the central government set a Metro Junior High School as a national standard school longer (SSN) in 2005, provides motivation and a new spirit for all people in the school to continue to work hard to forge himself in an effort to improve the quality of student learning processes and outcomes that ultimately gave birth various achievements of students both academic and non academic.

The cornerstone of the success of this school became even stronger when a Metro State junior designated as either a Standard International School (SBI) by the Directorate of Secondary School Education (PSMP), the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education Ministry at the end of 2006.

Our school's achievements

SMPN 1 Metro is one of the schools with the best quality. The students' has winning various championships, both academic and non-academic.

recently, some students' of SMPN 1 Metro participated APR Scout Jamboree 2009 in Philippines

On last February, some of our friends went to Singapore to visit sister schools in singapore.

Our senior got 3rd rank at National Examination for RSBI Students.

There's the list of our school's achievements:

dedicate some trophies to the mayor

class of 8.1 - 8.1 SMPN 1 METRO