Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Why we make this blog ???

We are just ordinary student that want to be a winner in the blog school competition.
in my school, there are some competitions, such as blogging, futsal, basket ball, poem reader, and cheerledance.

This activity is for celebrate our school 59th anniversary.

The participate of blogging competition :
1. Asita Sekar Asri
2. Khaerunissa Anbar Istiadi
3. Novy Kusumawardani

The participate of futsal :
1. Amri Yudha Mas Nalendra Jaya
2. Anton Berlian Cahyo
3. Fadil wiguna
4. M. Dede Risman
5. Irvandra Alfathan
6. M. Taqwa Syach A.
7. Rendy Pratama
8. Ahmad Adityas S.

The participate of basketball competition :
1. Gracia Osa Sidabalok
2. Eldesta Nisa Nabila
3. Vinni Inayah
4. Ayu Indah Rachmawati
5. Intan Naya Silana
6. Trisyana Kurniasari

The participate of poem reader : Desta Febriana I.

The participate of cheerledance :
1. Ayu Indah Rachmawati
2. Adelia Anggraini
3. Gracia Osa Sidabalok
4. Vinni Inayah
5. Eldesta Nisa Nabila

wish us luck and can be the best of the best winner.. :))

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class of 8.1 - 8.1 SMPN 1 METRO